Maalot College

A Division of maalot institutes of torah
ba - graphic design

Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design

Program Objective:

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree program in Graphic Design  is offered to students who wish to pursue their studies in Graphic Design in order to become expert in the design and production skills  within the design industry. The degree also prepares students to combine their design talents with the skills in the technology of web design.

This degree can prepare a student for career and a graduate education, while enabling enrichment in areas of personal interest.

A minimum of 30 semester hours must be completed through Maalot. The Graphic Design major must include at least 12 credits of upper level studies (300 or 400 level courses). Many course combinations are possible.

The Judaic Studies requirement may be fulfilled with Judaic Studies courses  with no restriction on the number of  lower level credits. Please refer to the transfer of credit policy in the catalog.  These courses must be based on traditional and classic sources and may be in REL, PHI, LAN, TAL, OR ETH as they relate to Judaic Studies.

Degree Requirement 120 credits

Core Requirements
6 Credits
Math Recommended: Statistics
3 credits
3 credits
Social Science and History
6 credits
9 credits
Social Responsibility and Diversity
3 credits
Judaic Studies Requirement
30 credits
Graphic Design Major
33 credits
Free Electives
27 credits
Required Courses
Digital Illustration ART298
4 Credits
Digital Image Manipulation ART394
4 credits
Graphic Communication I ART495
3 credits
Publication Design ART396
4 credits
Two Dimensional Design ART222
3 credits
Typography ART291
4 credits
Website Design & Development I ART207
4 credits
Elective Courses
Graphic Communication II ART496
3 Credits
Survey of Graphic Design I ART116
4 credits
Survey of Graphic Design II ART117
4 credits
Website Design & Development II ART208
4 credits
Capstone CST495
3 credits